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3 Einträge zu bile
im Register Titel, Stichworte

(erzeugt 2023-12-15 20:57)

Signatur: EVB/A 16/3b

Note sur deux réactifs cliniques de la bile et du sang / par Paul Spehl. – In: Bulletin de la Séance de Mars (Société royale des sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles) 69 (1911) 3, S. 59-62

(EVB : Sonderdrucke ; Verschiedene Gebiete 1)


Register / zugehörige Dokumente:

Spehl, Paul [XA-FR]

Signatur: EVB/A 14/11h

The action of animal extracts upon the flow of bile / by Isaac Ott and John C. Scott. – In: Sixty-ninth meeting Cornell University Medical College New York City, October 20, 1915 and tenth meeting Parcific Coast Branch San Francisco, California, October 6, 1915. New York (1916) (= Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 13 (1916) 1), S. 12-13

(EVB : Sonderdrucke ; Verschiedene Gebiete 1)


From the Laboratory of Experimental Research, Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia


Register / zugehörige Dokumente:

Ott, Isaac [1847-1916]

Scott, John C. [Arzt, XA-DE]

Signatur: EVB/A 14/11o

Icterus : a rapid change of hemoglobin to bile pigment in the pleural and peritoneal cavities / by C. W. Hooper and G. H. Whipple. – In: Sixty-ninth meeting Cornell University Medical College New York City, October 20, 1915 and tenth meeting Parcific Coast Branch San Francisco, California, October 6, 1915. New York (1916) (= Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 13 (1916) 1), S. 22f.

(EVB : Sonderdrucke ; Verschiedene Gebiete 1)


From the George Williams Hooper Foundation for Medical Research, University of California, San Francisco


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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 26.06.2012 · evb

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