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2 Einträge zu wright, a. e. [arzt, prof., m.d.] VERFASSER
im Register Personen und Körperschaften

(erzeugt 2023-12-15 19:50)

Signatur: EVB/A 200/33

A note on the serum reaction of tubercle : with special reference to the intimate nature of agglutination reactions generally and to the therapeutic inoculation of the new tuberculin / by A. E. Wright. – Sonderdruck aus: The Lancet (1903)
10 S.

(EVB : Sonderdrucke ; Tuberkulose-Antikörper)

A communication read before the Pathological Society of London on April 21st, 1903


Register / zugehörige Dokumente:

Wright, A. E. [Arzt, Prof., M.D.]

Signatur: EVB/A 200/41

On Sponaneous Phagocytosis, and on the Phagocytosis which is Obtained with the Heated Serum of Patients who have Responded to Tubercular Infection, or, as the case may be, to the Inoculation of a Tubercle Vaccine / by A. E. Wright. – Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Royal Society, B, 77 (1906), S. 211-225

(EVB : Sonderdrucke ; Tuberkulose-Antikörper)

From the Pathological Laboratory of St. Mary's Hospital, London, W.


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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 26.06.2012 · evb

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